Agroforestry assessment in the Northwest Region of Vietnam (a subproject within FAO_TCP/VIE/3701)

Implementation time: Sept – Dec, 2021
Funding agency: 
FAO Vietnam
Project leader: 
Dr. Pham Van Hoi (CARES)

1. Description
This work includes a review on agroforestry practices and development in Vietnam with a target on Northwest region and enabling and constrainting (f)actors (including policies) on agroforestry development. Casestudies will be taken to understand innitiatives for (and challenges faced by) farmers in Northwest region in taking a transition from mono-crop system towards agroforestry. Based on results of reviews and casestudies, a roadmap for agroforestry development for Northwest region will be developed.

2. Project tasks

  • Develop an inception report which elaborates a work plan, including methodology, workflow, level of effort for each specific task to complete the assignment considering provided resources;
  • Conduct a desk and a field study (if possible and necessary. A back up plan shall be presented considering lock-down situation due to Covid-19) to capture and analyse the status of agroforestry in the country and North-West Region of Viet Nam;
  • Based on the above analyses, prepare a report that elaborates on current status in terms of the following: types of agroforestry practices and extent of adoption by farmers, economic benefits, gaps, challenges, opportunities,
  • Provide policy recommendations (Including a Policy Brief) for strategic interventions, and develop a roadmap for agroforestry development of Viet Nam and the North-West Region;
  • Conduct consultation meetings with different stakeholders on agroforestry development of Viet Nam
  • Develop a project proposal for agroforestry development in the North-West Region of Viet Nam;
  • Facilitate a policy dialogue to advocate for agroforestry development in Viet Nam and the North-West Region.

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